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Bogbinder-workshop. Lav din egen notesbog.

MakerSpace NV får besøg af den brasilianske kunstner Marina Dubia, som tilbyder indføring i bogbinder-håndværket.

Se Marinas arbejde her:

Der undervises på engelsk, men alle kan være med – der er god tid til, at Marina viser vejen, og desuden er MakerSpace NVs Victor og Veronica til stede til at hjælpe også.

Der er 10 pladser. Det er gratis, men billetter bookes her på siden.


Make your own notebooks!

Bookbinding is the art of putting together sheets of paper into a book format. In this simple beginner-level workshop, you will learn three fast and fun techniques to make notebooks.

We will make
— a single-sheet booklet;
— a saddle-stitch booklet;
— and a coptic stitch notebook.

The goal is to get you familiarized with different bookbinding styles and practice the fine motor and sensible skills for handling paper, thread and needle.

At the end of the day you will also have the opportunity to customize the cover of your books.

Materials are provided by MakerSpace NV.

Teaching is in english.

You are encouraged to come even if you do not feel comfortable speaking English. We are prepared to teach step-by-step with visual examples and guiding with our hands.

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